In late 2021, our Therapy team grew large enough to require their own premises. We found an incredible place to call home, at 3 Fairbairn Rd, Busselton.
There are 3 different rooms for therapies, a meeting room, indoor and outdoor toilets, a kitchen, our work area for our Therapists, and best of all, a gorgeous sunny garden filled with vegetables and lemon trees.
Are you ready to take a tour through our new Therapy office?

What Therapy Supports Do We Offer?
Whether you have a physical (mobility, self-care), sensory or mental (cognitive) diagnosis, our professional, qualified Therapists work with you to help reach your personal goals. The Therapies we offer are:
Occupational Therapy
Speech Pathology
Positive Behaviour Support
Welcome to the Tour!
Before we begin, we want to emphasise that all of our Therapists are adhering to the latest in COVID precautions. In situations where we can’t see clients face to face, we are supporting primary care-givers and Support Worker teams as best we can.
The Waiting Room
We begin in the waiting room. One of our friendly team members will greet you and show you where to sign in (for COVID) and ask for proof of double vaccination status.

Now that you’ve signed in, let’s take you through our Therapy rooms!
Our Psychology Room
First up, we have our Psychology room. This is where we get to spend time with our clients who are using their capacity Building Supports funding on Psychology or Positive Behaviour Support.
Learn more about Positive Behaviour Support.
Learn more about Psychology.
Our Psychology room is filled with warm, natural sunshine, soft toys, and comfortable chairs, to hep you feel as safe as possible. We’re always so excited to meet new clients!
Our Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology Room
Next on the tour is our Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology room. We think this room is quite fun, and suitable for all ages!

Occupational Therapy:
In this room, our Occupational Therapists (OT’s) take the time to get to know you and your goals. Our aim is to work with you to create a tailored plan to help you reach your targets, be they career based, social based, learning new technology, graduating school, or physical goals.
Our Therapists assist by teaching you the tools to reach your independent goals through:
Daily living skills
Personal care skills
Technology skills
Home assessments
Sensory assessments

Speech Pathology:
Our trained Speech Pathologists are experts at helping with communication impediments, including difficulties with listening, speaking, comprehension, reading, writing, social skills, stuttering, slurring and more. No matter your age or degree of speech difficulty, our Therapists will make you feel comfortable and understood. And more importantly, we will help you learn tools and techniques to manage, aid or improve your communication!
Some of our current clients are being guided through swallowing and feeding issues, Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) assessments, mealtime programs and social skills.
Our Meeting Room

Occasionally, we’ll use the Meeting Room. It’s nice and private, where we can talk with your Support team and/or care-giver about what we can help you with. We also run team meetings in here, where we discuss how amazing our clients are, and update each other on all of the latest TV shows (just kidding!)
The Physiotherapy Room

Next on our grand tour is the Physiotherapy room. This room is where we run our Physical Therapy services, including physical rehabilitation and fitness supports.
Our trained Physiotherapists work with you to create a plan of stretches, restoration techniques and exercises to make the most of your mobility and help you reach your fitness goals. We’re planning on adding more gym equipment in the near future.
Our Staff Area
This is where our busy bees set up appointments, do their computer work and handle the logistics. No doubt you will see a few of us there on your next visit!
A lot of us are out and about visiting clients and care-givers at their homes, so if you need to get in touch with our office, please call (08) 9792 7500.
That’s the end of our tour!
If you’d like more information on our Therapy services, get in touch with our team here.
Or you can read more about our services here.
We're always on the lookout for more Therapists to join our team as well!
If you're interested, call 97927500 or email