Simon and Laps for Life

In 2022, Simon (one of our Peel clients) and his Support Workers messaged our Head Office about a cause he was involved with.
Simon's been with Enable since 2018, and has an Acquired Brain Injury from a car crash which has left him weak down his right side.Â
Although he can transfer independently he has been in his wheelchair for approximately 25 years. Simon gets up every day and exercises, determined to walk again one day independently.Â
The pool is Simon’s happy place. With his Enable team, he can walk in the water.Â
The idea:
Throughout March, Simon decided to take part in the 'Laps for Life' charity event - something that resonated with him personally. After he acquired his brain injury, Simon was in a very dark place mentally. Laps for Life raises funds for the prevention of youth suicide.Â
1 in 4 people aged 14–25 live with mental health difficulties. 70% of them don’t seek help. And, suicide remains the leading cause of death of young people in Australia – more young people in Australia die each year by suicide than in car accidents or from cancer.Â

Simon's success!
Simon completely smashed his goal of 52 laps per day over the month. In fact, when we caught up with him in early April, he had already done over 1200 laps and raised over $1000, and still had a few days left!
Enable WA's involvement:
Simon's Support Workers Eileen and Leanne, along with Simon himself were the real power houses behind this incredible feat! Eileen and Leanne noticed Simon wasn't enjoying his usual physio appointments, so they suggested a challenge to keep him motivated. Knowing Simon's past and his empathy towards others helped them decide on Laps for Life.
Enable WA contributed via donation and arranged interviews, photos, PR and social media shares via our marketing partner to help spread the word.
ANND he's bit a hit on our social media! His video had over 10,000 plays, our highest yet. Watch it here.
To learn more about Laps for Life, click here.